Contact Information for Rights Inquiries about Our Authors' Works

If you are interested in licensing rights to one of our authors' works, please write to
webmaster(at)mendelmedia(dot)com.  This address is not for inquiries by writers seeking
representation.  Information about querying the agency for representation follows below.


QUESTION #1:   Are you taking on new clients?
Yes. Most new clients of the agency are experienced, professional authors, including
journalists and academics who have a history of publication, in book form or
otherwise, or they are author-experts with serious credentials and established
media access in their areas of expertise.  In most cases, a new client will have a
polished book proposal or manuscript already in hand.

QUESTION #2:   How should I send in my query?
You should email your work to query(at)mendelmedia(dot)com.  We no longer accept or
read submissions sent by mail, so please do not send inquiries by any other
method. If we want to read more or discuss your work, we will respond to you by
email or phone.

  • Fiction queries: If you have a novel you would like to submit, please paste a
    synopsis and the first twenty pages into the body of your email, below a
    detailed letter about your publication history and the history of the project, if
    it has been submitted previously to publishers or other agents. Please do
    not use attachments, as we will not open them.
  • Nonfiction queries: If you have a completed nonfiction book proposal and
    sample chapters, you should paste those into the body of an email, below a
    detailed letter about your publication history and the history of the project, if
    it has been submitted previously to any publishers or other agents. Please
    do not use attachments, as we will not open them. You can download
    guidelines about writing a book proposal here.

QUESTION #3:   Did you receive my query?  Why haven't I heard back?
If we want to read more or discuss your work, we will call or email you directly.  If
you do not receive a personal response within a few weeks,  we are not going to
offer representation.  In any case, however, please do not call or email to inquire
about your query.
Copyright © 2023 Mendel Media Group LLC

Mendel Media Group LLC  ●  Scott Mendel, Managing Partner
P.O. Box 5032  ●  East Hampton, New York 11937
Frequently Asked Questions About Submitting Queries, Manuscripts and Book
Proposals for Representation